Sunday, 30 September 2007

Pet Peeve

I think I am fairly tolerant.

I do not mind queuing. I have no problem with loud noise, or being woken up. I don't even get cross when my toilet seat is left up.

However, I recently discovered that when it comes to being put on hold, I lose all human rationality, and come to resemble a dragon.

Having recently moved to a new flat, I have no phone line and hence no internet. So I made an appointment with bt.

For two days I wait in, and by the end of day 2, Mr. bt has failed to make an appearance.

Ok. Fair enough. It is not the end of the world. I shall call up and see what can be done.

Well. After 2 hours (yes TWO WHOLE HOURS) of being on hold. And having listened to the most appalling 90s musical collection. And being transferred to 6 different people/departments, each more useless than the previous, I no longer appear a member of the human race.

My eyes are bloodshot. My face is bright red. I am screaming at probably-extremely-nice-under-normal-circumstances Angela a list of expletives so horrific they should not be repeated. And my boyfriend has retreated to the street outside - he can no longer endure the stress levels.

The phone conversation is useless. Nothing gets accomplished. Nobody knows what has become of Mr. bt. In fact, there is apparently no communication between the people in the bt office, and the engineers (WHY???). And then there is the final straw.

"Now Miss Howe, if we could take a landline number for you, we could call you back and arrange a new appointment".

The stupidity levels are astounding.

After a good sit down, cup of tea and some regulated breathing I returned to normal. Yet, even the process of writing about this endurance test is enough to get my heart rate up again.

And if it ever gets resolved, if I ever get a phone line, the internet, any connection to the outside world, I shall let you know.

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Embarking on a postgrad in broadcasting at Westminster Univerisity, I have been introduced to this weird world of blogging. Is it like a diary? An opinion page? A space to rant? An outlet for all the strange Jessci thoughts that occur on a day to day basis? I'm not really sure. But I have 12months to give it a go.