Thursday 3 January 2008

Wisdom Teeth

SInce september, apart from the internet, my other ongoing saga has been my impaceted wisdom teeth (yes not one, not two, but all of them).

My teeth are the bane of my life. By the age of 14 I had already had 8 teeth out (my mouth is really quite small).

I then got braces. Full blown traintracks.

Now, there are some people who kind of look ok with braces. Those people who you don't really notice have them. I was definitely not one of them.

In fact I was the opposite. They REALLY looked bad.

So after that three year (yes THREE YEARS) torture I thought all would be well.

But no. So at the age of 21 I went into london bridge hospital to have the bastard teeth. All out. So never again will they bother me.

I opted for the general aneasthetic. I am a big juicy wimp. And I'd never had one before so why not?

So after I go to sleep and have teeth out I wake up.

I really did feel fine. And thought I would try to stand up. I completely fell of my bed. and ripped the drip out of my hand. And two nurses had to lift me back on.

Then I was wheeled back to my bed, and, as told later by the Wiganer, who, bless her came to look after me, looked HORRIFIC.

Apparently i was whiter than white except for the substantial amount of dried blood completely covering the lower half of my face (really good Wiganer had sense to bring face wipes).

Then, as if i was not disgusting enough they then, without any explanation at all, handed her a small pot. Which contained my teeth (not washed or anything - one was stil surrounded by bits of my gum; the others, all fairly bloody).

So that was all gross.

Eventually got home (having been convinced that i was fine, and subsequently fainting. twice)

Had to wear flat shoes. made a bit of a fuss about that. am only 5'2.5 (rounded up to 5'3) and so have never to date been out in public without at least 4inch heels). Was probably quite a good idea though. was really very unsteady.

But after a day was fine. Went shopping. had a little dance. cooked an entire christmas roast for a party. (Party atmosphere greatly enhanced by the constant display of my now removed wisdom teeth).

So all in all, removal of wisdon teeth not as bad as people make out.

1 comment:

Sarah Morgan said...

:-) I'm only 5,3 and I wander around in flats all the time. I'm also due to have my wisdom tooth (yes just one) out.