Wednesday 4 November 2009

Panda facts

A few weeks ago a book of 100 Facts about Pandas arrived on my desk (I say my desk - I share it with a few others). So each morning I've been having a quick flick through, learning a fact or two, sometimes sharing a fact with a presenter, guest or celebrity paper reviewer, or whoever is wandering around in the office.

The best thing about this book is the lovely pictures, illustrating each fact. For example, did you know that a panda hears with its nose and smells with its ears? Or that agressive pandas were responsible for the injuries of 8 cavers admitted to emergency rooms in China between 1995-2000? And that you are never more than four hours away from a panda?

I've always loved pandas, and so having this book really meant a lot to me. And I thanked whoever had put it on my desk. That was, until I shared another classic panda fact (did you know, a group of pandas is called a cupboard? And they only ever live in even numbers - should another panda join the group another must leave, or they need to find another one) with a colleague. Who burst out laughing. And informed me that the book had been deliberately planted on my desk, and that all these so-called "facts" were complete and utter rubbish.

The thing that upset me most was not the number of people with whom I had shared these facts (although, yes this was a little embarassing - there are definitely a few MPs who may be sharing incorrect panda facts at this very moment), but that there wasn't a little panda hospital, that in fact they do not weigh up to six times more when wet, and that you cannot comfort a baby panda with a fax machine.

St Boris's Hospital for sick Pandas

On second viewing, I am faintly embarrassed that I fell for the book for so long (in my defense, some of the facts are definitely feasible, nowhere on the book is there mention of it being humorous, and it is full of some very convincing photos). Perhaps the most ridiculous (although my personal favourite) fact was that due to a bureaucratic error, the panda is in fact classified not as a mammal, but as a nut.

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